Magento 1 – Create Simple Controller Not Working in Module


I am Trying To create a Simple Module. It's Found 404 page Error.

My config file in app/etc/module/Ffay_All.xml

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

Create Controllrer in app\code\local\Ffay\Test\controllers\IndexController.php

class Ffay_Test_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
   public function indexAction ()
     echo 'test index';
   public function mamethodeAction ()
     echo 'test mymethod';

And Create My Plugin xml file in app\code\local\Ffay\Test\etc\config.xml

   <?xml version="1.0"?>

When I am Write testing in magento in display 404 page error. can You Tell me What's Issue?

Best Answer

I tested your code and it seams to work.
I only have 2 comments.
You say you created the file app/etc/module/Ffay_All.xml. I assume that's a typo and the correct folder is app/etc/modules/Ffay_All.xml (modules instead of module).
I aslo see some spaces in your config.xml file at the beginning before <?xml version="1.0"?>. remove them.
Also clear the cache.

It worked for me for url testing and testing/index/mamethode.

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