Magento – Magento 1 Testing Frameworks

magento-1.9testingunit tests

Wherever I can, I like to develop software following a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. Usually, in PHP that means using PHPUnit.

Ideally, I would like to write both fine and coarse-grained tests. Unittests to help guide the design and quality of my code, integration tests to make sure it all hangs together and high-level outside in acceptance tests to make sure I actually deliver what my customer has asked me to deliver.

Are there any test frameworks out there tailored for Magento which facilitate TDD?

Best Answer

We are using the EcomDev_PHPUnit extension which allows you to test almost everything in Magento without modifying any core files.

I recommend the dev branch which is currently more stable than the master.

We also have experience with Mage-Test, but can not recommend it, because it overwrites some core files in the community codePool.

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