Magento 1.x – Database Tables with Product Data


Which tables are the ones in the database that have all the product data in a Magento 1.x system?

Best Answer

Main table for products in magento:


Above table is an act as main table, for that child tables are staring with “catalog_product_entity_” prefix.

  • catalog_product_entity_datetime – Product – date attribute are stored here. Ex: New From, New To
  • catalog_product_entity_decimal – Product price related values.
  • catalog_product_entity_gallery
  • catalog_product_entity_int – Product Status, Visiblity etc..
  • catalog_product_entity_media_gallery – product images path, Thumb , small, etc
  • catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value – Product image,product image position, title info & position of image info, etc
  • catalog_product_entity_tier_price – Product tier product
  • catalog_product_entity_varchar – Product name, URL, etc

Bundled product – information: Will get bundled product associated values from below table

  • catalog_product_bundle_option
  • catalog_product_bundle_option_value
  • catalog_product_bundle_selection

Related to downloaded product information.

  • catalog_product_link
  • catalog_product_link_attribute
  • catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal
  • catalog_product_link_attribute_int
  • catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar
  • catalog_product_link_type

Product custom option information will get from below tables

  • catalog_product_option
  • catalog_product_option_price
  • catalog_product_option_title
  • catalog_product_option_type_price
  • catalog_product_option_type_title
  • catalog_product_option_type_value

Configurable product and Grouped product information will get it from below tables

  • catalog_product_super_attribute
  • catalog_product_super_attribute_label
  • catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing
  • catalog_product_super_link

Source: jutesenthil