Magento – Magento 2.0.5 Product Image Import error ‘timeout or permissions’


I've spent best part of a day trying to upload products to a magento 2 store with little success.

The problem suggests it's a timeout or permissions error, yet i've checked all of these:

  • PHP Execution time
  • Files and folder are set to 755
  • Have tried fetching files from /pub/media/import
  • Have tried fetching files from /var/customfolder
  • Have tried variations of paths above to include /home/domain/public_html/..
  • Have tried leaving the image path field blank
  • Have tried using a complete http://domain/pub/media/import url
  • Have CHMOD all the images in question to 755 to overwrite erroneous permissions
  • Have varied the format of the .csv upload (image url with /beforeimage.jpg)

File upload size is set to 10Mb and the file is 4mb
Fresh install of magento 2.0.5 via web setup on php 5.5 apache linux server

The only solutions i've managed to find suggest installing php 7, which i'm informed is a total catastrophe of a build so won't be doing that.

Sure someone's come across the same issue surely?! I'm stumped!

Best Answer

I had similar sounding problem with importing product images. In my case the problem was large image files, say 2+MB. I used Photoshop -> Scripts -> Image Processor to batch reduce the images target size/quality for product full zoom.

Providing the exact error message may help get a better answer. Checking Magento logs, PHP logs, and web server logs may also surface the cause.

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