Magento – Magento 2.0 “something went wrong”


Something went wrong!

I was doing that thing in that place when something happened. What should I do?

(I am using Magento 2.0 and I am receiving these messages that "Something went wrong." I do not see any stack traces in the log file. Where is this message coming from, and how do diagnose?)

Best Answer

The only place I can find that exact string is in Magento_Ui/view/base/web/js/grid/provider.js in the function onError(). It looks like anywhere in the admin a grid is being used, this component is initialized. I would start by looking at your xhr requests in the chrome inspector network tab and finding any responses that don't return a 200 code. If you can confirm that this ajax request is related to the action that gave you that alert message, you can go from there.