Magento 2.1.3 – Import Products Issue with Categories


When I'm trying import eg 2 products:

enter image description here

I have no error with Check Data but on import:

  1. Category "MAN/zakiet/zakiet" has not been created. URL key for specified store already exists. in row(s): 2

and category looks like :


There is no problem for create those categories manually, but:

  • It is Magento issue, right?
  • Is it possible to fix it quickly?


I also tried use :

  1. Default Category/WOMEN/zakiet/zakiet
  2. Default Category/MAN/zakiet/zakiet

in csv as categories.


  1. Category "Default Category/WOMEN/zakiet/zakiet" has not been created. URL key for specified store already exists. in row(s): 1, 2




It happens when You try create similar categories in other root category. It happens because firs category won't be include in url rewrites. Eg:

First Default Category -> Test1 -> Test2
create paths:
/test1.html and /test1/test2.html

When You try to create :

Second Default Category -> Test1 -> Test2 Magento will create rewrite with paths:
/test1.html and /test1/test2.html also.

Try to set different url category or use one root category.

Best Answer

You should always include the root category

Default Category/WOMEN/zakiet/zakiet

So above should be right but on the category image you are showing only

Default Category/WOMEN/zakiet

That might be the rror?

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