Magento 2.1.6 – Error Filtering Template: Unable to Write File into Directory


after install Magento 2.1.6 on Windows 10 XAMPP I got this error in the frontend homepage:

Error filtering template: Unable to write file into directory
Access forbidden.

I google it but I did not find any answer how to fix it.

Best Answer

There is a simple way to solve this issue: in vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/View/Asset/Image.php:226 remove the 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR'

private function getRelativePath($result)
$result = $this->join($result, $this->getModule());
$result = $this->join($result, $this->getMiscPath());
$result = $this->join($result, $this->getFilePath());
return $result;

and: /vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/View/Asset/Image.php:130 replace DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to '/'

 private function join($path, $item)
        return trim(
            $path . ($item ? '/' . ltrim($item, '/') : ''),

PHP accepts both \ and / as valid path separators. So just use / in your code.

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