Magento – Magento 2.1.7 product page 404 after migration


I migrated all of the data from a Magento 1.9 build to Magento 2.1.7 everything has gone well. categories are showing, products are in the categories, product images are showing on backend and category pages, all settings have migrated.

However I have one issue, every single product page when clicking from the category returns the Magento 404 and the product pages don't seem to exist, still using luma base theme for testing.

Debug/exception/error logs show nothing.

category page product showing fine
The category image/text above links to the following URL:

as expected as per the Magento 1 build.

When editing the product in the backend:

enter image description here

I've re-indexed/cleared cache/ran magento:upgrade. At the end of my knowledge of what could be causing this – has anyone had this issue/have any suggestions on what to try next?

EDIT: Manually added a new product through the admin panel – same result 404 error page, shows in category fine.

Best Answer

Try go to configuration and disable the category in the product URL path, then reindex, see if product pages work. If this works, try setting it back and Reindex again.

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