Magento – Magento 2.1 braintree credit card error handling


In Magento 2, I am using brain-tree credit card payment method on live site. Sometimes it shows error,
unable to place an order, please try after sometimes
but I want to know exact error on front end side about that transaction declined. I want error handling for Braintree credit card payment so that it makes easy to know the reason behind failed payment.

Best Answer

As far as I know, Magento 2 use Ajax to handle this task. enter image description here

We should take a look at file:


            serviceUrl, JSON.stringify(payload)
            function (response) {
                errorProcessor.process(response, messageContainer);

So, we need to override this file or the errorProcessor.process() - vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/error-processor.js handler. We can alert the error message.

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