Magento – Magento 2.1 Save Credit Card extension


Magento 1.7 or 1.9 have the facility of Save CC but it is not in Magento 2.
enter image description here

Please guide to create or if there are any extension available?

Best Answer

Saving credit cart info itself inside your DB is a very bad idea, as noted above by Vishwas.

However, if you have valid reason (e.g. a need to implement recurring payments or auto-complete for the user), you can use the best available replacement: Payment methods which implement the Magento Vault interface. simply put, these save the credit card and customer info on their end and provide you with a reusable token (more on that here ). I am fairly sure this feature is provided by braintree for magento2, and maybe some others as well (try googling "How is vault payment providers list gathered Magento 2" for more details on that).

Worth mentioning: this module also claims to provide mentioned functionality.