Magento – Magento 2.2.0 partial Credit Memo/Refund doesn’t work properly


We have to try partial credit memo for Magento 2.2.0 shop admin for below step:

1) Proceed order with default payment and Grand Total are €37.00

2) Create the Invoice.

3) Try to Credit memo with Adjustment Fee are €10.00

After refund, Order status set Closed status.

Order History:

enter image description here

Order Total:

enter image description here

And Credit memo button are not available in order history.

enter image description here

How to fix this issue….!

Best Answer

It's the normal behavior, as you set the adjustment fee when creating the credit memo. Since basically the adjustment fee will decrease the amount of credit memo. You didn't tell about it in the Github issue report, btw.

Look at this thread for more explanation

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