Magento – Magento 2.2.3 cron Errors how to solve


we are running website Magento 2.2.3 CE version. We are getting an error in cron.log please advise?

  1. cron.log

Warning: require_once(/srv/public_html/update/vendor/autoload.php):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/srv/public_html/update/app/bootstrap.php on line 15

  1. update.log

    We did some R&D and found that vendor directory was missing in /srv/public_html/update/ then we have moved vendor directory to respected path now the above error gone but getting below error.

Update-cron.ERROR: Cron readiness check failure! Found non-writable

  1. exception.log

[2019-01-29 06:40:06] main.CRITICAL: No callbacks found
{"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): No callbacks found at

How to fix these error? Can any one help?

Best Answer

It seems relate to Magemojo configuration. I got the same issue as your issue and I am contacting to magemojo to support. I have two site one use Stratus and it is getting this issue other site is fine without use Status and same source code.

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