Magento 2.2.6 – Error Modifying the Select Collection


I need to modify the query of the orders in the grid of the backend by representative attribute (custom attribute).

I get the following error:

Item (Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\Document) with the same ID "2" already exists.

DataProvider: (applyDealerFilter() method)

class DataProviderCollectionFactory
    /** @var mixed */
    protected $_requestName;

    /** @var  CollectionModifier */
    protected $_collectionModifier;

    /** @var  PermHelper */
    protected $_permHelper;

    /** @var DealerOrderCollectionFactory  */
    protected $_dealerOrderCollectionFactory;

    /** @var DealerCustomerCollectionFactory  */
    protected $_dealerCustomerCollectionFactory;

    /** @var Scope Config  */
    protected $_scopeConfig;

     * @param PermHelper $permHelper
    public function __construct(
        CollectionModifier $collectionModifier,
        PermHelper $permHelper,
        DealerCustomerCollectionFactory $dealerCustomerCollectionFactory,
        DealerOrderCollectionFactory $dealerOrderCollectionFactory
    ) {
        $this->_collectionModifier = $collectionModifier;
        $this->_permHelper = $permHelper;
        $this->_dealerCustomerCollectionFactory = $dealerCustomerCollectionFactory;
        $this->_dealerOrderCollectionFactory = $dealerOrderCollectionFactory;

     * @param CollectionFactory $collectionFactory
     * @param $requestName
     * @return array
    public function beforeGetReport(
        CollectionFactory $collectionFactory,
        $this->_requestName = $requestName;
        return [$requestName];

     * @param CollectionFactory $collectionFactory
     * @param AbstractCollection $collection
     * @return AbstractCollection
     * @throws \Exception
    public function afterGetReport(
        CollectionFactory $collectionFactory,
        if ($this->_permHelper->isAllowAllCustomersAndOrders()) {
            return $collection;

        if (
            ($this->_collectionModifier->isOrderDataSource($this->_requestName)) &&
        ){ //if order based collections
        } else if (
                $this->_collectionModifier->isInvoiceDataSource($this->_requestName) ||
                $this->_collectionModifier->isShipmentDataSource($this->_requestName) ||
            ) &&
        ) {
        } else if (
            ($this->_collectionModifier->isCustomerDataSource($this->_requestName)) &&
        ){ //if customer based collections

        return $collection;

Where the filter with joins is applied:

class CollectionModifier extends \Amasty\Perm\Helper\CollectionModifier
     * Filter collection by dealer
     * @param $value
     * @param AbstractCollection $collection
     * @param $factory
     * @param string $primaryKey
     * @param string $foreignKey
     * @param string $filterPostfix
     * @throws \Zend_Db_Select_Exception
    public function applyDealerFilter(
        AbstractCollection $collection,
        $primaryKey = 'entity_id',
        $foreignKey = 'entity_id',
        $filterPostfix = '_filter'

            ['ce' => $collection->getTable('customer_entity')],
            ' = main_table.customer_email'
            ['cet' => $collection->getTable('customer_entity_text')],
            'cet.entity_id = ce.entity_id'
            ['ea' => $collection->getTable('eav_attribute')],
            'ea.attribute_id = cet.attribute_id'
            'ea.attribute_code = \'mod_dealers\''
            'cet.value like \'%' . $value . '%\''

        here I have the error ID:
          Item (Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\Document) with the same ID "2" already exists.
        var_dump($collection->toArray()); die("stop"); 


Best Answer

Magento can not process more than two equal fields internally.

The solution is to make a where IN:

        ' main_table.entity_id IN (
                SELECT DISTINCT 
                FROM ' . $collection->getMainTable() . ' so
                INNER JOIN customer_entity ce on = so.customer_email
                INNER JOIN customer_entity_text cet on cet.entity_id = ce.entity_id
                INNER JOIN eav_attribute ea on ea.attribute_id = cet.attribute_id
                WHERE ea.attribute_code = \'mod_dealers\' 
                AND FIND_IN_SET(\'' . $value . '\', cet.value)
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