Magento 2.3.2 – Failed to Load ‘Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address/list’ Component


I am using one-step checkout and getting an error in checkout console. and also page redirects to /noroute/ 404 page.

[ERROR] Failed to load the "Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address/list" component.

I have checked in Magento 2.3.2 release note and see there is a change in the checkout, so I think it showing an error because of this.

so I just want to know how to resolve error Failed to load component

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

Check your modules requirejs-config.js. Probably there is mapping like

"Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address": "Vendor_ModuleName/js/view/billing-address",

Then later Requirejs try to load all files that have Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address from module where this file doesn't exists.

One option is to add to requirejs-config.js of the module extra line (instead of copying the list.js file to this module)

"Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address/list": "Magento_Checkout/js/view/billing-address/list",

Ideally module should use mixins to modify billing-address.js to avoid this kind of issue