Magento 2.3.2 Product Image Missing After Version Update – How to Fix


I have updated the Magento version to 2.3.2. After updating the Magento, the product images are not visible.

The product catalog images are coming from the old cache file directory.

I have done the following.

  1. Remove pub/media/catalog/product/cache . (Removing this folder frees
    up space.)
  2. Run bin/magento catalog:image:resize to generate a new image cache

Still, I'm facing the same issue.

Best Answer

A common issue is that Magento is looking for the pictures in the old cache files that are missing after the upgrade as the cache was cleared.

Try below actions:

  1. A catalog reindex. Follow below article for reindex steps.

  1. Re-generate the image catalog by using the command below via CLI:

php bin/magento catalog:images:resize

I hope this will help, Once you done please update me

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