Magento 2.3.4 – Fix Error: Call to a Member Function getAttributeCode()


I upgrade my store to Magento 2.3.4 version and suddenly I can't save / edit categories, after I press the Save button I have this error in admin: Something went wrong while saving the category. When I check var/log/debug.log file I found this error:

main.CRITICAL: Error: Call to a member function getAttributeCode() on bool in /chroot/home/a593d01f/html/vendor/magento/module-catalog/Observer/InvalidateCacheOnCategoryDesignChange.php:67

and when I check


I have this part of code:

public function execute(Observer $observer)
    $category = $observer->getEvent()->getEntity();
    if (!$category->isObjectNew()) {
        foreach ($category->getDesignAttributes() as $designAttribute) {
            if ($this->isCategoryAttributeChanged($designAttribute->getAttributeCode(), $category)) {

If I comment out this:

        if ($this->isCategoryAttributeChanged($designAttribute->getAttributeCode(), $category)) {

everything is work fine with categories. Is a magento bug? or how I can fix this?


Theme dropdown attribute is empty, the name of this attribute is custom_design.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Possible ways to debug further.

1. First try

  • Check If Flat catalog for category ENABLED then DISABLE it or if Flat Catalog for category found DISABLED then ENABLE it.

  • Perform full reindexing

  • Then try to save any category again, it should work.

2. If not solving then try to add the instance check condition like below: Culprit attribute can be found by removing the comment in the first if condition.

    foreach ($category->getDesignAttributes() as $designAttribute) {
     if(!$designAttribute instanceOf \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute){
     //$designAttribute->getAttributeCode(); die('s');

        if ($this->isCategoryAttributeChanged($designAttribute->getAttributeCode(), $category)) {

3rd thing you may try the last Review all the category attributes which are showing after executing the below query.

Compare with native Magento's instance table of the same entity_type_id.

SELECT * FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `entity_type_id` = 3
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