Magento – Magento 2.3 idn_to_ascii(): INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 is deprecated


I have Installed Fresh Magento2.3 php version 7.2.12 . When System try to send any email like order,contact,register customer etc .. .

it will through Exception and not sending any email

main.CRITICAL: Deprecated Functionality: idn_to_ascii():
INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 is deprecated in
on line 560

error throw from here:

 if (extension_loaded('intl')) {
            if (defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46')) {
                return (idn_to_ascii($email, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46) ?: $email);
            return (idn_to_ascii($email) ?: $email);

Best Answer

in magento: 2.3, php: 7.2 I got same error: Deprecated Functionality: idn_to_ascii(): INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 is deprecated ..

so I downgrade php version to 7.1 then its work.

or another solution is to upgrade icu to ICU 4.6

to check icu current vesion uconv -V

INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 (integer) Use IDNA 2003 algorithm in idn_to_utf8() and idn_to_ascii(). This is the default. This constant and using the default has been deprecated as of PHP 7.2.0.

INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 (integer) Use UTS #46 algorithm in idn_to_utf8() and idn_to_ascii(). Available as of ICU 4.6.

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