Magento 2.3 Admin – Use Default Value Problem

admindefault valuesmagento2magento2.3

In my magento 2.3 I have two store views. I noticed today in product page in every field which has store view, the use default value isn't working as expected.

For example:

I have a product in default store view with

Name: test

Attribute 1: test

I change store view to my English store, uncheck use default value and change same product:

Name: Test EN

Attribute 1: Test EN

Now I have default store view and English store view saved.

If I go back to product, English store and in


Attribute 1

Press the use default value it should take the fields from the default store. Like in Magento 1. In my example:

Name: test

Attribute 1: test

But instead it gets null. Blank field

Has anyone this problem? Is this a bug?

Best Answer

Magento 2.1.x and 2.2.x Open Source has a a serious bug when editing a product at the store-view level. This bug causes the “Use Default Value” checkboxes to become unchecked when editing a product at the store view level.

Merchants which multiple websites or locales often need to maintain slightly different product content at the store view level. however there is a bug, as described below:

  1. Merchant edits a product at a store view level.
  2. Merchant updates one or more store-level attributes and clicks SAVE
  3. All store level attributes in the non-opened tabs have the checkbox “Use Default Value” unchecked after refreshing the page (they are all checked on the initial page load).
  4. This happens behind the scenes, and the merchant doesn’t notice until later, and they ask themselves “Did I really come in here and uncheck all these boxes?”

The issue is caused by 2 distinct bugs in the Magento 2 source code:

  1. When a product is saved, any attributes located in in a NON OPENED TAB do not properly communicate to the server that they should use the default value.
  2. Magento 2 has a special module built in to auto generate the URL for a product if the merchant doesn’t enter one. This module has a side effect of incorrectly unsetting the “Use Default Value” checkbox on the URL attribute when a product is saved at the store view level.

Solution Use this extension:


I hope this will help

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