Magento – Magento 2 – Add tree category selector on backend module


I'm trying to create my custom form on a backend module, I need to allow the admin to select some categories, so I wanted to use the magento standard category selector, well I add my field in this way:

            'name' => 'input_name',
            'label' => __('My label'),
            'title' => __('My title'),
            'required' => true

then in the .xml of my custom module (where I call the block with the form) I also added this css in the head

    <css src="Magento_Catalog::web/catalog/category-selector.css" />

In my module now I could find the input, but the css is not loaded (I get error 404 in the console log) and It not work fine.

I already tryed to clean the cache and run the deploy of static content, but I still get the same error.

If is possible I would like to know how to add a short description for each input to made easier to understand what they have to input.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Add css following way:

    <css src="Magento_Catalog::catalog/category-selector.css"/>
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