Magento 2 Admin Category – Products Getting Wrong Count


I am using the Magento 2.1.8 version.

Facing an issue of products count next to the category name.

enter image description here

The categories of Anchor is enabled.

I did reindex and flush the Magento cache.

In addition, some products are shown in the frontend, which are not assigned for that category.

Can anyone advise on this?

Best Answer

Don't be confused. Product count display is different then the actual product count in a category because Anchor is enabled.

The Anchor display setting for categories allows a category to inherit and display all products from its child categories. When Anchor Enable, products assigned to child categories will be combined and displayed in the parent category along with any products directly assigned to it. This means you can use Anchor at upper-level categories to avoid having to explicitly assign products all the way along a branch of the category tree. Instead, simply assign products to their lowest level (most specific) category and they will then be displayed automatically in parent categories.

I hope this will make sense.

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