Magento – Magento 2 ADMIN login issue


We are facing issues after logging into Magento 2 Admin. The login screen came and after logging in, no dashboard appeared.

Instead, this error came up at URL​…

This page can't be displayed.

I checked the system and debug logs, but I am not able to find anything.

The configuration is:

  • apache 2.4.9
  • php 5.5.12
  • mysql 5.6.17

I Checked cookies too, and the admin cookie is there.

I believe, right now Magento is working into default mode as we have not made any change till now.

From WAMP logs, below error was found:


PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/php_ldap.dll' – The specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0

Is this error in relation to Magento 2 backend authorization?

In addition, there is an issue in loading of CSS as well in the admin panel.

Please help on this.

Best Answer

You should not install Magento on a top-level domain or IP address:

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