Magento2 – Admin Page Error: Your Current Session Has Expired


Fresh Install of Magento 2.2.2 on Centos (Plesk) with Apache 2.4, php 7.0.2 + all modules, mariaDb 10.1.

Magento Installation was done via browser wizard -> readyness check-> everything was ok. When I try to login to the Magento Admin Page "Your current session has been expired." is always showing.

I am running Magento 2.1.7 on this Server and had the same problem. But I solved this problem by changing one line of Timezone.php (shown in here However with Magento 2.2.2 this solution does not work anymore.

Any Ideas how to solve this ?

Ps: Already cleared cache folders and cache via cli.

When I run "php -v" via SSH –> php 7.0.27 is shown

I configured Php 7 (via Plesk) for scripts on my domain
"/opt/plesk/php/7.0/bin/php -v" –> shows php 7

BUT phpMyAdmin (login to mariaDB) shows this (php 5.6.30):
enter image description here

Maybe this is causing the error ?

Best Answer

  • Find path admin/security/session_lifetime in core_config_data table
  • If it's present then set its value to 86400
  • If that path is not present then add it with value 86400
    INSERT INTO `core_config_data` (`scope`, `scope_id`, `path`, `value`)
    VALUES ('default', 0, 'admin/security/session_lifetime', '86400');

After that, refresh Magento cache:

php bin/magento cache:clean
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