Magento – magento 2 admin very slow


As we have follow all steps to increase magento 2 speed like Advanced bundling, minify js and css but still we face speed issue in the admin.

Our admin take too much time to load grid as well as if redirect from one page to another page its simply loading and loading.

What is the issue here? We have installed Light mage cache in our server as we uses Light speed server.

Please give some suggestion.

Best Answer

The page loading speed depends on various other factors which you have mentioned:

  • Number of entities like products, categories, etc. and the number of attributes. The larger bunch of data increases the time to load the page.
  • Server configuration, like RAM should be more than the recommended value, SSD should be used for storage instead of conventional HDD.
  • Cron should be enabled to automatically reindex flat data. Of course, flat data should be enabled.
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