Magento2 Memory Error – Fix Allowed Memory Exhausted During Compile

code generationmagento-2.0memoryPHP

I have error when i add module..

Please re-run Magento compile command

so i run below command but also display error that below when run command from root,

php magento setup:di:compile

Compilation was started.
%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 37.0 MiB%message% 0/7 [>
---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 37.0 MiBProxies code generation... 0/7 [
>---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 37.0 MiB
Proxies code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 47 secs 43.5
Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 47 secs
43.5 MiB
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate
 24 bytes) in D:\xampp\htdocs\linsenwelt\vendor\zendframework\zend-code\src\Scan
ner\FileScanner.php on line 36

How to fix ?

Best Answer

A quick solution for memory limit in Magento 2 command is directly adding memory limit inside command.

For Compilation command,

php -dmemory_limit=5G bin/magento setup:di:compile

For Deployment

php -dmemory_limit=5G bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

You can change as per 5G to max if issue not resolve.

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