Magento – Magento 2 bin/magento not working as it should


I've just installed a fresh copy of Magento 2.1.2 from composer. I've previously installed Magento 2 in a different directory completely fine and the commands all run as they should. This has only happened since I installed a new repo to a different directory that the CLI for Magento started to not work.

I'm running Magento 2 with the following:

  • PHP 7.0.10
  • MySQL 5.6
  • Mac OS
  • MAMP Pro 4
  • Apache

I've tried:
Setting the correct permission
setting bin/magento file and folder to chmod executable.
chown to my_username:admmin

I have php setup perfectly fine in system $PATH. I've also noticed n98 does the same no errors/output just goes to a new line in the terminal.

If i run composer loads fine, if I run php -v loads php7 fine

I've been trying to fix this now for hours with no luck.

Best Answer

Sorry for late reply to the answers given, however none of these worked for me, I believe the problem was using MAMP.

I've uninstalled and setup brew services and it's now running fine!