Magento – Magento 2 Blank Screen Product Detail page


I added one product from Magento admin panel (Magento 2.2.2)

Cleared cache and indexing, Product appears in search and listing page and you can even add to cart from Listing page.

But when you click on the product and visit the product details page it gives the blank screen

In the network tab, it shows status code 200 and in the page source, it shows the empty body.

There is nothing in var/log/* and /var/log/apache2/error.log

And i tried adding

   ini_set('display_errors', 1);

in index.php at root folder

Best Answer

I have been in similar kind of situation, I have migrated the data from magento 1.9.x to magento 2.2.8 and there was two website in magento, for the default website the product detail page was working fine but for the other website it was not, I was only able to see the blank page where noting rendered in body tag, with that, one thing was sure that it is a layout related issue as magento was unable to load the layout. After spending a day I finally found that in the secondary website layout was updated at product level but it is was also observed that you need to check updated layout in the website>store for the product. The main reason is that code of the layout in magento 1.9 was different to magento 2.x, so try to check layout updates. This may help you in certain conditions only.

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