Magento2 – Call Functions from Block in Controller


Say I want to call a function from a Block while inside my Controller class which outputs on screen, how would i go about this?

Code for New/Module/Controller/Hello/World.php :

  namespace New/Module/Controller/Hello/;
  class World extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action 

 public function execute()
    echo '<p>"Hello World"</p>';

    divide(10,1);  <-- trying to do this 

Code for New/Module/Block/Calculator.php

namespace New\Module\Block; 
class Calculator{ 
public function divide($number1, $number2) 
return $number1/$number2; 
public function multiply($number1,$number2){
return $number1*$number2; 
public function add($number1,$number2){ 
return $number1+$number2;
public function sub($number1,$number2){
return $number1-$number2;  

I'm attempting to create a calculator and I'm not even sure this is the best way to go about calling functions to output on screen.

Any help would be much appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

You can call block methods by creating instance of that class.

      namespace New/Module/Controller/Hello/;
      class World extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action 

         * Calculator
         * @var \New\Module\Block\Calculator
        public $calculator;

        public function __construct(
        \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context, 
        \New\Module\Block\Calculator $calculator
        ) {
            $this->calculator = $calculator;
            return parent::__construct($context);

     public function execute()
        echo '<p>"Hello World"</p>';

        //divides(10,1);  <-- trying to do this 

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