Magento 2 – Using Plugin with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface Type


I've got a di.xml that looks something like this

<type name="Psr\Log\LoggerInterface">                
    <plugin name="namespace_modulename_plugins_psr"

The Namespace\Modulename\Plugins\Psr class can be instantiated, and has a beforeInfo method defined

public function beforeInfo($subject)

However, if I inject a logger and try to use it

/* @var $psr `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` */
$psr->info("This is a message");

The message will successfully log, but the system does not call my plugin method.

Is there something special about the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface that makes in non-plugin-able? If not, does anyone have a solid methodology for debugging plugin configuration issues?

Best Answer

PSR\Log\LoggerInterface is not in magento module or framework folder. So it's not analyzed by compiler and will not be pluginized in production mode. If you want to pluginize/configure behavior of third-party classes, you should use adapter.

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