Magento – Magento 2 catalog search full text reindex problem


I'm facing strange issue in my website. The products are not getting appeared if I reindex only flat and product related reindex. It requires catalogsearch_fulltext reindex. If I dont do catalog search full text reindex products are not getting appeared in frontend.

I'm having 3 stores in my website. So it takes almost 8 hours per store to complete the full text reindex. So to bring one product in my website I have to wait for 24 hours.

How can I resolve this issue? How to bring the product without reindexing catalog search fulltext?

FYI: I'm using elastic search, Magento EE v2.1.7

Best Answer

You can set the cron to update on Schedule.

This way, thanks to the mview pattern, Magento will reindex only the entity_ids which need to be reindexed. (check mview_state and catalogsearch_fulltext_cl tables)

You need to think about incremental update and not full update.

I have the same problem with my customer. It takes 8 minutes to full reindex by stores, I have 31 stores so ...

I am trying to reindex each store in parallel.

Did you find another solution ?

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