Magento – Magento 2 Component Manager Won’t Load componentGrid/components Times Out


Magento is version 2.1.2 the issue is on the system > web setup wizard > component manager the page loads forever (ajax loading icon spins). My server is:

Litespeed 5.0.9

PHP version 7.0.12 (all magento 2 requirements met)

Using suPHP in Litespeed

The error is:

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in <b>/home/rentinst/public_html/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php</b> on line <b>539</b><br /> 

on the ajax call:

The code that the error refers to is:

$includedData = json_decode($this->cache->read($cacheKey), true);

I have already tried the things listed on these 2 pages:

actually maybe others have the same issue:

but any ideas?

I have:

1) Checked and reset all folder permissions, they are all ok. I use:
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
and made sure that my public_html is also 755

2) Cleared out var/di, var/cache, var/generation

3) Made sure and re-verified that the Magento public and private access keys are ok they are in system > web setup wizard > system config (they are also stored in var/composer_home/auth.json)

Just a guess but perhaps it is timing out with one of the "providers"? Any debugging or guesses on how to fix this?

Ok so I did a fresh Magento 2 install and the component manager is working, so it is for sure one of the packages/modules I have installed, does anyone know how to correct the package so the component manager doesn't timeout?

Best Answer

Looks like you need configure your php and increases max_execution_time to 600 (10min) for example.

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