Copy Magento 2 Production Server to Localhost – Step-by-Step Guide


I copied my whole Magento 2.1 root directory to my local computer. Also exported and copied the database.sql to my local computer.

Then I setup XAMPP and created a db (with same name as db in production) -> imported the database.sql. After that I changed the base-url from Magento 2.1 to -> then changed admin uri admin_grw0o8 to adminPath.

When opening url "" in Chrome it shows me correctly my Magento 2.1 webshop.

Problem: When openeing url "" it shows error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

How can I solve this ?

Maybe when I change xampp hostname '' to '' ?

Best Answer

You have to manually change a couple of values in core_config_data MySQL table too:

UPDATE core_config_data 
SET value = '' 
WHERE path IN ('web/secure/base_url', 'web/unsecure/base_url');

NOTE: The trailing slash after is important!

When done, flush your cache manually. You can do it by deleting var/carche folder or by running php bin/magento cache:flush from your commandline.

This should work. Now your local copy will open at

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