Magento 2 – Creating Product with Custom Options


I have tried several different ways that to add custom options programmatically to a new product in Magento 2. I am doing this from a CLI command and everything is working well except for the custom options which give me an error:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (magento_ee.catalog_product_option, CONSTRAINT CATALOG_PRODUCT_OPTION_PRODUCT_ID_CATALOG_PRODUCT_ENTITY_ROW_ID FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES catalog_product_entity (row_id) ON), query was: INSERT INTO catalog_product_option (type, is_require, sort_order) VALUES (?, ?, ?)

Here is the stripped down code:

function __construct(
    \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product $product,
    \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option $option,
    \Magento\User\Model\UserFactory $userFactory,
    \Magento\Framework\App\State $state
    $this->product = $product;
    $this->option = $option;

     * Bug fix for known Magento issue where product status cannot be changed in custom CLI command without an admin session
    $model = $userFactory->create()->loadByUsername('admin_username_here');

    $state->emulateAreaCode('adminhtml', function ($model) {
        $session = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get('Magento\Backend\Model\Auth\Session');
    }, array($model));


// Process some stuff here and call setOptions when necessary

// code goes here

private function setOptions(array $dealArray, $lang) {
    if(count((array) $dealArray['offerItems']) > 1) {
        $this->output->writeln('Multiple Options found, processing...');

        $values = [];
        $i = 1;
        foreach($dealArray['offerItems'] as $item) {
            $this->output->writeln('Setting option: '.$item->$lang->offerItemSKU);

            $values[] = array(
                'title'             => $item->$lang->offerItemValue,
                'price'             => $this->product->getPrice(),
                'price_type'        => "fixed",
                'sku'               => $item->$lang->offerItemSKU,
                'sort_order'        => $i


        $optionArray = array(
                "sort_order"    => 1,
                "title"         => "Options",
                "type"          => "drop_down",
                "is_require"    => 1,
                "values"        => $values

        $this->output->writeln('Setting options for SKU: '.$this->product->getSku().PHP_EOL.print_r($optionArray, true));


    } else {
        $this->output->writeln('No Options found.');

Best Answer

I found the solution:

Instead of calling setProductId like this:


I had to call it like this:


It seems to want the row_id instead of the entity_id, which is inconsistent with the rest of Magento2 implementations.

Final code looks like this:

private function setOptions(array $dealArray, $lang) {
    if(count((array) $dealArray['offerItems']) > 1) {
        $this->output->writeln('Multiple Options found, processing...');

        $values = [];
        $i = 1;
        foreach($dealArray['offerItems'] as $item) {

            $values[] = array(
                'title'             => $item->$lang->offerItemValue,
                'price'             => $this->product->getPrice(),
                'price_type'        => "fixed",
                'sku'               => $item->$lang->offerItemSKU,
                'sort_order'        => $i




    } else {
        $this->output->writeln('No Options found.');
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