Magento – Magento 2 Currency Switch Dropdown – Remove currency name


In Magento 2 (Luma child theme) when enabling multiple currencies you get a currency switcher dropdown in the frontend's header.
By default, it shows the currency code followed by the full name,

e.g. GBP – British Pound Sterling.

I want to keep GBP, USD etc.
But remove the rest as I think it's unnecessary, customers can tell the currency from the code.
I am new to Magento 2 and can't find where in the template or layout files this can be changed.

Any idea?

Best Answer

copy file:




After that you need to remove Currency code.

Code responsible for showing currency code is:

- <?= @$block->escapeHtml($currencies[$currentCurrencyCode]) ?>

Above code will remove active currency code. For other currency code you need to remove:

- <?= $block->escapeHtml($_name) ?>

from li

Before edit:

enter image description here

After Edit:

enter image description here

Hope above will help!

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