Magento – Magento 2 custom customer attribute’s values not getting saved in database


I've added two custom attributes for customer registration page (Alternate email & Alternate number) in a new module (through : app/code/…/Setup/InstallData.php).

I have designed its 'view' inside a custom theme (by overriding register.phtml). I can now see new fields on the registration page. However the data inside new fields (alternate email and number) is not getting saved inside database.

'customer_entity_int' saves '0' value..
'customer_entity_varchar' saves nothing..

enter image description here

Here in the screen you can see the value is saved as '0'. The attribute_id 132 is for 'Alternate Contact Number' on the registration page. So I expect the value to hold the data which I'm entering on the frontend registration page.

What am I doing wrong ?

Best Answer

You have probably solved your issue but for people who come here from google as me, there is a solution:

When creating the customer attribute, please take care of the following things:

Attribute is added to the attribute set, group


Attribute is assigned to customer forms


And the last one the most important as somehow, people just skip over it and wondering why the customer attribute does not want to save from the backend: Please make sure to set "is_system" flag in "customer_eav_attribute" table to 0, otherwise the attribute will not be saved.

It can be done by setting the attribute option to "system" => 0 in attribute parameters inside the install/upgrade script.

Don't forget to flush your cache after all!

Solution URL:

direct link to solution

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