Magento 2 Email Templates – Custom Email Template Not Including Header


When I load my custom template in Marketing->Email Templates and look at the preview the email looks fine and includes the header, but when I send an email using the custom template only the footer is included, the header and css styles are not included.

How the template header and footer are added:

<!--@subject My Subject  @-->
<!--@vars {
"var":"Customer Email",
"var":"Customer Name"
} @-->

{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

template content

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}

Best Answer

I had a slightly different problem but i think it would be good to post the solution here anyway as I came across this post when researching my issue.

I have a custom module that triggers an email on a cron. The header and footer were not being included when the emails were sent.

The header and email templates are only located in the frontend area. See : public/vendor/magento/module-email/view/

As such if your template options state 'adminhtml' or 'crontab' for example it wont find those templates.

In your custom code you will have a section or method containing something like this :

            ->addTo($receiverInfo['email'], $receiverInfo['name']);

When you set your template options you need to make sure that you set the 'area' to be 'frontend' :

$templateOptions = array(
     'area' => \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
     'store' => \Magento\Store\Model\Store::DEFAULT_STORE_ID,

Equally, if your email template is in adminhtml/templates/email/ it will have to be moved to frontend/templates/email/

** Just want to add that this works on a single store configuration. If you are using multi-store configuration. You will need to pull the store id via a different mechanism, like:

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