Magento 2.2 – Resolving customer-data.js:90:23 [object Object] Error


I'm using Magento 2.2 with Porto theme and getting an [object Object] javascript error at customer-data.js line 90 in the console after logging into the store and refreshing the page or switching to another page.

I tested this in Firefox, Chrome, IE 11 and Edge and it's only showing up in Firefox (the browser I mostly use).

It isn't causing any serious problems (not as far as I can see), but I would like to resolve this issue.

object Object error

line where the error happens

Line 90 of the customer-data.js file is: "throw new Error(jqXHR);".

Inside the jqXHR object is a JSON response message:

{"message":"\"paypal-billing-agreement\" section source is not supported"}

I've seen a couple of suggestions out there, but most of them revolved around cleaning cache and static files.

I tried: clearing firefox cache and cookies, cleaning Magento static files, cache and storage cache, but nothing worked so far…

And i'm not really sure what else to do…any help would be appreciated.


The cause of the error was that I had disabled the Paypal module but didn't clear the browser local/storage cache.

Inside this cache was a certain call to the paypal module which couldn't be processed so it returned a JS error like this.

Clearing this cache fixed the issue.

Best Answer

I have literally wasted a few days trying to debug this issue and finally got a definite solution or work around I would call it. Hopefully it can save a few other people the headache I currently have!

I first noticed this error appears when I switch from Client-Side to Server-Side Compilation in Stores->Configuration->Advanced->Developer->Frontend Development Workflow

Then I determined that customer-data.js uses the localStorage within the browser itself to store a variety of information, so you can clear the Magento Cache all you want and you will still have issues.


The fix in Google Chrome is hit F12 to open the Developer Toolbar, then select the Application tab. Clear the Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies. Reload the page and all should be well. You will have to do this on your admin page as well.


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