Magento – Magento 2 Data migration for only customers, categories and coupons


I want to migrate data(only customers, categories and coupons) from magento to magento 2.1.0(CE)

I am following Steps from – for data migration.

What I understood is in
1. m2project/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/ I defined source and destination database table and map.xml
And after that I run setting, data and delta migration

I am stuck with step data migration with error :

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry
'1-Migration_Default' for key

If any help to solve this error, will make me proceed migration.

Also, I am unclear about :

  1. What exactly data it transfers other that customers,orders, products.

  2. If I have multiple stores in magento1.9 and here in magento2.1 I want single store in that case what will happen? because product will be having dependency on store.

  3. I want yo know how to migrate only customers, categories and coupons.

Best Answer

Migration tool migrate can migrate all-settings, products, categories, orders, customers, product review and linked-product relation(cross sell, related products) etc. Basically it migrate everything.

If you have multiple store, It can migrate all stores and linked data with all stores. You can delete/filter migrated data on Magento2 store. It may be possible to migrate data of one store but I dont know about that.

I can explain how only customers can be migrated and all data can be migrated. Thats what i already achieved. You can delete extra data which is not required.

Hope it will help you.

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