Magento – Magento 2 data migration tool says `Migration completed`, however the data is not migrated


I want to move to Magento 2. I use the Magento 2 Data Migration Tool to transfer the data from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

The first thing I migrated is settings:

sudo php bin/magento migrate:settings -r

(With the path to my Magento installation instead of path_to_magento_installation.)

However, when I go to the Magento 2 backend, I see that my stores and
pages (and I think every other setting) is not migrated. It is the
same as before using migrate:settings.

What went wrong? / What do I have to do?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I have found the issue to be caused by me NOT including the "Map Step" in the

/var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/" file

<step title="Map Step">

remember to also remove the tables you want to copy over to the M2 site from the map.xml file. All the basic tables (sales_flat... etc) will be listed in this file in the ignore flag. Remove them for the data to copy over.

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