Magento – Magento 2 default Rest API not working

checkoutmagento2rest api

I am working on a default Magento setup and facing the default rest API not responding on checkout and throwing 401 error.

{"message":"Consumer is not authorized to access %resources"...}

For example below APIs not working for logged in users.


is there any missing configuration?

is there any session/cookies related issue?

is they are customer specific?

Please share your thoughts on the same.

Best Answer

To access default APi with /mine/ you need to pass a bearer token that you generate for a customer using


with body

  "username": "",
  "password": "admin@123"

you will get token in response , pass that in header or in authorization tab in you postman like enter image description here

and for some requests you may require admin level access (you can check in ACL of that API request) , you can create admin token using


with body

  "username": "admin",
  "password": "admin123"

also you can refer to the documentation