Magento – Magento 2: DHL Shipping Method Element type “NewShipper” must be declared


I'm using DHL Shipping Method. After Order Placed. While creating New Shipment i have cliced on "Create Shipping Label" & Clicked on "Submit Shipment".

On popup i have filled info. While saving it's giving below error

Error #111 : Error in parsing request XML:Error: Element type
"NewShipper" must be declared. at line 2, column 320

In debug i have below Request XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<req:ShipmentValidateRequestAP xmlns:req="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ship-val-req_AP.xsd">
      <CompanyName>Test Company</CompanyName>
      <AddressLine>S. G. Highway</AddressLine>
      <ReferenceID>shipment reference</ReferenceID>
            <PieceContents>Dog Zodiac Bookmark,2008 URA 4-In1</PieceContents>
      <Contents>DHL Parcel TEST</Contents>
      <CompanyName>The Singapore</CompanyName>

Below is Response XML File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><res:ErrorResponse xmlns:res=\'\' xmlns:xsi=\'\' xsi:schemaLocation= \' err-res.xsd\'>
                <ConditionData>Error in parsing request XML:Error:
                    Element type &quot;NewShipper&quot; must be
                    declared. at line 2, column 320</ConditionData>

I'm in LIVE Mode of DHL.

Best Answer

Since DHL is updating their XML Schema, you need to update also the request XML of Magento.

You need to update this file:

Magento Root Files\vendor\magento\module-dhl\Model\Carrier.php