Magento 2 Database Diagram – Orders, Products, and Relationships


I'm looking for a diagram or schema of all Magento 2 database tables, such as Orders, Products, etc. and their relationships with each other.

Best Answer

EDIT: Just like Magento 1 Anna Völkl created a new version for Magento 2. Check her answer.

What you are looking for is an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). I have searched for a Magento 2 ERD but could not find and. I think someone from the community will publish one at some point.

Here is a blog post which describes the database changes between 1.x and 2.x briefly.

DB changes from M1 to M2

So if you read that you should be able to use a 1.x ERD. Which you can find here:

Magento ERD