Magento – Magento 2 error in swatchRenderer.js


I have overridden magento SwatchRenderer.js file in app\code\Mydirectory\CustomSwatches\view\frontend\web\js\SwatchRenderer.js.

My problem is I get an error in my product page load:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateData' of undefined

I found out that data('gallery') on SwatchRenderer.js's following function is undefined.

updateBaseImage: function (images, context, isProductViewExist) {
        var justAnImage = images[0];

        if (isProductViewExist) {
        } else if (justAnImage && justAnImage.img) {
            context.find('.product-image-photo').attr('src', justAnImage.img);

I checked a Magento 2 demo site. On that site the above data attribute is set as a JavaScript object. The target element is a div with the above attribute. But in my site it is undefined and obviously I think that data attribute is not set on my site. Can anyone help me to find the setter function/view/file for above element? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

We had this same issue until we realized we were hiding the price of products on our category listing page. Apparently, swatch-renderer.js relies on classes on the price box to determine if it is on the product view or product listing page. After re-enabling the price box, color swatch switching started working again.

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