Magento – magento 2 errors : General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction


I am getting below error every second or third day.

Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\LockWaitException):
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try
restarting transaction, query was: INSERT INTO customer_visitor
(customer_id, session_id, last_visit_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Exception #1 (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General
error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction,
query was: INSERT INTO customer_visitor (customer_id,
session_id, last_visit_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?) Exception #2
(PDOException): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout
exceeded; try restarting transaction

I see table customer_visitor have above 22000 records. Can we clear this table?

I also check in my staging site for same table having 12 records and it never increase records of customer visitor.

How can I cleaning up customer_visitor table log. is it creates any problems if cleaning up this table

Best Answer

I also faced the same issue and found the solution.

First, enter in Mysql using terminal/cli with below commands

mysql -u [db username]_user -p
use [db username]_db

View running processes by following command


enter image description here

Then kill the process in 'command' sleep in my case the process in the first row with id 22023836

KILL 2202836;

Then refresh the page and the issue is solved now.

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