Magento 2 – File Upload Form in Custom Module Frontend

extensionsfile uploadmagento2

I am getting this error when I submit the form from the front end. Although I set the required extension in the setAllowedExtensions

Exception #0 (InvalidArgumentException): Disallowed file type.

        foreach ($files as $key => $value) {

            $uploaderFactory = $this->uploaderFactory->create(['fileId' => $key]);
            $uploaderFactory->setAllowedExtensions(['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png','pdf', 'docx', 'doc']);
            $imageAdapter = $this->adapterFactory->create();
            /* start of validated image */
            $mediaDirectory = $this->filesystem->getDirectoryRead(DirectoryList::MEDIA);
            $destinationPath = $mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath('custom_module');
            $result = $uploaderFactory->save($destinationPath);

            $imagepath = $result['file'];

            $saveData['custom_file'] = $imagepath;


When I upload a jpeg or png it works fine ,but gives error on doc,docx and pdf

Best Answer

The problem with following code


You are using the Image Adapter factory that will not allow you upload the files. You can use File Uploader instead.

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