Magento – Magento 2 for cronjob


This may sound like a dumb question but I really don't understand it. For example, Magento 2 has been saying to make sure "Magento cron job is running".

Create the cron job
To create a cron job as the Magento file system owner, enter the following command as a user with root privileges:
crontab -u <Magento file system owner user name> -e
Then write in the file:
"path-to-binary" -c "ini-file-path" "your Magento install dir"/bin/magento cron:run [>> "log-file"&]
"path-to-binary" -c "ini-file-path" "your Magento install dir"/update/cron.php [>> <log-file>&]
<path-to-binary> -c "ini-file-path" "your Magento install dir"/bin/magento setup:cron:run [>> "log-file"&]*

As I said before, this was an example because my problem is that I do not know where to write those commands. It always says to write this command or write the other, but I can't find where I am supposed to put them.

I have access to cPanel to manage my server and use FTP to upload the files.

Best Answer

There is no place to "put" the crontab. You run the crontab command as root and cron starts running. You don't have to change to a directory but you do have to create cron as the correct user.

More info about cron

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