Magento 2 – Full Hierarchy Wise Product Breadcrumb


If I open a product directly from Home or search page then breadcrumb shows like this:

Home > MyProduct

Whereas if I go to the category, then subcategory and then open the product, it show the Breadcrumb like this:

Home > Category1 > Category2 > MyProduct

I need to make the breadcrumb with full hierarchy regardless of from where I am coming to product page.

Please help me achieve this

Best Answer

First you have to add block in your module

Path: app\code\Vendor\Module\Block\Crumbblock.php

namespace Vendor\Module\Block;

use Magento\Catalog\Helper\Data;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context;
use Magento\Store\Model\Store;
use Magento\Framework\Registry;

class Crumbblock extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template

     * Catalog data
     * @var Data
    protected $_catalogData = null;

     * @param Context $context
     * @param Data $catalogData
     * @param array $data
    public function __construct(
        Context $context, 
        Data $catalogData, 
        Registry $registry,
        array $data = [])
        $this->_catalogData = $catalogData; 
        $this->registry = $registry;
        parent::__construct($context, $data);

    public function getCrumbs()
        $evercrumbs = array();

        $evercrumbs[] = array(
            'label' => 'Home',
            'title' => 'Go to Home Page',
            'link' => $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl()

        $path = $this->_catalogData->getBreadcrumbPath();
        $product = $this->registry->registry('current_product');
        $categoryCollection = clone $product->getCategoryCollection();
        $categoryCollection->addAttributeToSort('level', $categoryCollection::SORT_ORDER_DESC)->addAttributeToFilter('path', array('like' => "1/" . $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getRootCategoryId() . "/%"));
        $breadcrumbCategories = $categoryCollection->getFirstItem()->getParentCategories();
        foreach ($breadcrumbCategories as $category) {
            $evercrumbs[] = array(
                'label' => $category->getName(),
                'title' => $category->getName(),
                'link' => $category->getUrl()

        $evercrumbs[] = array(
                'label' => $product->getName(),
                'title' => $product->getName(),
                'link' => ''

        return $evercrumbs;

After that add layout file catalog_product_view.xml in your module Path should be: app\code\Vendor\Module\view\frontend\layout\catalog_product_view.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <referenceBlock name="breadcrumbs" remove="true" />
    <referenceContainer name="">
        <block class="Vendor\Module\Block\Crumbblock" name="crumbs" as="crumbs" template="Vendor_Module::crumbs.phtml" />

After that Add phtml file in your module Path Should be like: app\code\Vendor\Module\view\frontend\templates\crumbs.phtml

<?php $crumbs = $block->getCrumbs(); ?>
<?php if ($crumbs && is_array($crumbs)) : ?>
<div class="container">
    <div class="breadcrumbs">
        <ul class="items">
            foreach ($crumbs as $crumbName => $crumbInfo) : ?>
                <li class="item <?php echo $crumbName == 0 ? "home" : ""; ?>">
                    <?php if ($crumbInfo['link']) : ?>
                        <a href="<?= /* @escapeNotVerified */
                        $crumbInfo['link'] ?>" title="<?= $block->escapeHtml($crumbInfo['title']) ?>">
                            <?= $block->escapeHtml($crumbInfo['label']) ?>
                    <?php else: ?>
                        <strong><?= $block->escapeHtml($crumbInfo['label']) ?></strong>
                    <?php endif; ?>
            endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

I hope this will help

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