Magento 2 – Get Original Price and Special Price of a Bundle Product


I want to get the original price of a Bundle product (Minimal/Maximal one).
This needs to replicate what Magento is grabbing for the WAS price below so I can add a percentage off to product pages.

Offer / Bundlke Price

I can get the Special Price like below:

echo $bundleObj->getMinimalPrice();// For min price
echo $bundleObj->getMaximalPrice(); // for max price

I've tried using the below but this just returns 0:


This also only has both with and without tax and the standalone tax:


Have also looked at:


This seems to just be pulling similar data cannot get the original price.

Best Answer

After studying a lot of files containing the old-price tag similar to that used in the markup for the WAS price, I found the below:

$finalPriceModel = $block->getPriceType('regular_price');
echo priceModel->getAmount();


I figured it made sense to use regular_price instead of final_price and so used similar code in my block to get the original price:

$bundleRegularPrice = $_product->getPriceInfo()->getPrice('regular_price')->getAmount()->getValue();

So after playing a little bit I can confirm how to get the following prices:

Regular Minimal Price:


Regular Maximal Price:


Special Minimal Price:


Special Maximal Price:


These are all including the tax to get the value excluding tax change getValue() to getBaseAmount();.


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