Magento2 Product Attribute – Get Select Option ID and Label for Configurable Product


How to get an option value based on the option id in Magento, or get an option id based on the option code ?

Example: how to get the color attribute option id 10 from the label "Red", and get the value "Red" if the option id is 10 ?

Best Answer

you can do it same as magento 1,

More information in details, Visit, Get Option id and Label from configurable product

//get option label based on option id from product object

$optionId = 10;

$attr = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('color');
 if ($attr->usesSource()) {
       $optionText = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($optionId);
//get option text ex. Red

//get option id based on option label

$attr = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('color');
 if ($attr->usesSource()) {
       $option_id = $attr->getSource()->getOptionId("Red");

//get option id ex. 10
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