Magento 2 Grunt Exec Not Creating Symlinks – How to Fix


I am following:

it says grunt exec:<theme> does:

Republishes symlinks to the source files to the pub/static/frontend/Vendor/default/<locale> directory.

But that does not seem to happen!

pub/static/frontend/Vendor/default/de_DE/css/source contains regular files where I would expect symlinks to app/design/frontend/Vendor/default

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

edit I am just having this s ame problem again with Magento 2.1 – even if the patch of issue should already be contained in Magento 2.1

Best Answer

  1. Remove Cache
  2. Clean theme by the command: grunt clean
  3. Run CMD command prompt with administrator privilege.
  4. Run the command: grunt exec:yourthemename
  5. Run the command: grunt less:yourthemename
  6. Run the command: grunt watch

Edit Alex: Basically working and the right solution, but with the limitations of

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