Magento 2 – Hide Success and Error Messages After Certain Time


How to hide all success and error messages after several time magento2?

Best Answer

Follow the below steps to Automatically hide messages in Magento 2 after certain time

Overwriting the message block

Copy the file from vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/messages.phtml to app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Theme/templates/messages.phtml with below content

<div data-bind="scope: 'messages'">
  <div data-bind="visible: isVisible(), click: removeAll">
    <!-- ko if: cookieMessages && cookieMessages.length > 0 -->
    <div role="alert" data-bind="foreach: { data: cookieMessages, as: 'message' }" class="messages">
      <div data-bind="attr: {
            class: 'message-' + message.type + ' ' + message.type + ' message',
            'data-ui-id': 'message-' + message.type
        <div data-bind="html: message.text"></div>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: messages().messages && messages().messages.length > 0 -->
    <div role="alert" data-bind="foreach: { data: messages().messages, as: 'message' }" class="messages">
      <div data-bind="attr: {
            class: 'message-' + message.type + ' ' + message.type + ' message',
            'data-ui-id': 'message-' + message.type
        <div data-bind="html: message.text"></div>
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
  { "*": { "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": { "components": { "messages": { "component": "Magento_Theme/js/view/messages" } } } } }

Overwriting of the JS component

Copy the file from vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/web/js/view/messages.js to app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Theme/web/js/view/messages.js with below content

], function ($, Component, customerData, _) {
    'use strict';

    return Component.extend({
        defaults: {
            cookieMessages: [],
            messages: [],
            isHidden: false,
            selector: '.page.messages .messages',
            listens: {
                isHidden: 'onHiddenChange'

         * Extends Component object by storage observable messages.
        initialize: function () {

            this.cookieMessages = $.cookieStorage.get('mage-messages');
            this.messages = customerData.get('messages').extend({
                disposableCustomerData: 'messages'

            // Force to clean obsolete messages
            if (!_.isEmpty(this.messages().messages)) {
                customerData.set('messages', {});

            $.cookieStorage.set('mage-messages', '');


        initObservable: function () {

            return this;

        isVisible: function () {
            return this.isHidden(!_.isEmpty(this.messages().messages) || !_.isEmpty(this.cookieMessages));

        removeAll: function () {

        onHiddenChange: function (isHidden) {
            var self = this;

            // Hide message block if needed
            if (isHidden) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 5000);


Hope it helps!!!